Our Core Services

Comprehensive Support

At a glance

  • BCM Governance

    Optimise management systems to achieve BCM objectives

  • BCM Benchmark

    Measure BCM capability against comparable organisations

  • Emergency Management

    Implement preparations to reduce the impacts from risk scenarios

  • Civil Defence Training

    Implement and test the response agency’s capability.

  • Crisis Simulations

    Rapidly build, strengthen or maintain crisis management skills

  • Executive Coaching

    Learn, develop and improve crisis management performance

  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

    Identify critical activities, dependent resources and services

  • BCM Software

    Select, implement and socialise suitable BCM tools

  • BCM Strategies

    Executive summary road-maps that reference into detailed plans

  • Plans / BCPs

    Implement practical, action-orientated plans

  • BCP Testing

    Validate plans and instill confidence that they will work

  • BCM Assurance / Audit

    Provide audit expertise and industry experience

  • Crisis Incident Assistance

    Always on-call to guide and coach the crisis teams

  • Team Building

    Facilitate engaging simulations for training and development

  • Key Supplier BCM Audit

    Evaluate BCM for critical suppliers to identify failure scenarios

 Core Service Profiles

BCM Governance

FastTrack BCM governance policy standards

Effective BCM direction, control and oversight

Poor BCM Governance results in a loss of direction and being unable to achieve quality, economic and timely BCM outcomes.

We recommend:

• A clear set of BCM objectives and target capability

• A clearly defined BCM Policy

• Appropriate / customised best practice BCM standards

• An honest recognition of the root causes of major weaknesses

• Prioritisation of requirements and setting clear timeframes

BCM Benchmark

FastTrack BCM framework benchmark best practice gap analysis

A customised BCM Gap Analysis

It is essential to set your target BCM capability, evaluate your starting point to highlight gaps requiring improvement.

We recommend:

• Design a fully customised target BCM framework

• Evaluate the strengths, work done, weaknesses and gaps

• Measure results against comparable organisations

• Clearly communicate the results

• Maintain results to track the progress of improvements

Emergency Management

FastTrack BCM emergency management serious injury fatality response

Including fatality, DGs and serious injury

An emergency response must be quick, crisp, confident, and well-coordinated. Stakes are high, so your people need to be well prepared and not just wing it on the day.

We recommend:

• Clearly define all emergency agency roles

• Produce an inventory of scenarios

• Document practical response plans

• Run realistic training drills for all scenarios, not just fire

Civil Defence Training

FastTrack BCM civil defence council CDEM CIMS training

Design, planning, training and testing

Civil Defence emergencies involve Councils and multiple agencies, command and control structures, disciplines, and terminology that must interface between external CDEM and internal crisis management roles, and be match fit at all times.

FastTrack has the experience to guide you through the complexities and the skills to design plans, train your teams, and run tests.

We recommend:

• Team structure design with clear roles and protocols

• Planning and preparations, training and testing

Crisis Simulations

FastTrack scenario crisis management facilitator coaching training

Crisis / emergency rehearsal training

The best performance is achieved when your management team works from a well-designed customised team structure and is match fit, trained, and rehearsed using simulation exercises.

This is a core expertise for FastTrack Solutions having run more than 600 major exercises worldwide for more than 8,000 executives.

We recommend:

• Plan and prepare a balanced and objectives-focused scenario

• Facilitate a realistic role-play simulation exercise

• Make it an engaging and enjoyable experience

Executive Coaching

FastTrack Executive Training Coaching Crisis Management

Focused and practical training

To transition to a disciplined crisis management style requires focused training for each major Crisis Team role. In the absence of coaching, management will simply revert to a BAU style that will result in a reactive underperforming mode of operation.

We recommend:

• Identify all critical / pressured Crisis Team roles

• Highlight intensive activities and pinch-points

• Provide focused training and practical tips and technique

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

FastTrack BCM BCP BIA Criticality Risk Assessment

Business and technology criticality assessment

A common gap s the Crisis Team lacking an objective, agreed and signed-off set of business priorities.  In the middle of a crisis, the team then attempts to conduct a criticality assessment on the fly, under immense pressure, with dubious and unsubstantiated results.

We recommend:

• Analyse operational processes and support functions

• Set the key criticality factors

• Analyse dependency against all the key factors

• Summarise in a practical format - not a report

• Ensure the BIA requires minimal maintenance

BCM Software

FastTrack BCM BCP software app program tool

Software tools

BCM software can be an expensive distraction that actually slows down the implementation process. We don’t market 3rd party BCM software for financial gain.

We can provide you with a license-free product, fully under your control, that is customisable and requires virtually no user training

We recommend:

• Scope out your needs and evaluate available tools

• Assess all the costs, implementation effort, and ease of use

• Conduct thorough testing and training

BCM Strategies

FastTrack BCM BCP Strategy

Crisis and business recovery strategies

You need a clear, executive summary level response and recovery strategy for all major scenarios and disruptions to critical processes. This will become the backbone for all detailed playbooks and plans.

Strategies will then be available to you, like tools in a toolbox, that you can apply in a flexible manner to address any scenario.

We recommend:

• Diagrammatic overview format with supporting notes

• Cross-reference into detailed plans

• Easy and quick to understand to encourage a team approach

Plans / BCPs

FastTrack BCP Business Continuity Plan Crisis Plan development

Plan development

In a real crisis, virtually no one reads or follows plans.

However, BCM is an important internal control requiring evidence of a plan , and as a basis for training and maintenance. Your plans need to be practical and link into the recovery strategies to expand on the details needed to execute specific actions.

We recommend:

• Keep plans simple, practical and brief

• Use appropriate tools

• Engage plan users in the development process

BCP Testing

FastTrack BCP Business Continuity Plan Testing

Operationalise and validate plans

When asked about the level of confidence in a plan, the Board, executive or auditors will always ask if it has been tested.

An untested plan is of little value beyond meeting a compliance requirement. It is important for the plan owner to validate its effectiveness using hard tests of all its main components.

We recommend:

• Hard test all critical function plans for all main scenarios

• Live test where possible and be prepared to take the risk

• Facilitate the process to train users and develop a capability

BCM Assurance / Audit

FastTrack BCM BCP Crisis Plan Audit Review governance

Independent audit review

General auditors may lack BCM experience to effectively audit the function, to challenge assumptions, to ask the right questions, and to determine if the capability is practical and likely to work.

We recommend:

• We can provide an experienced auditor to review the function

• Our practitioner has solid industry experience

• Is confident and knowledgeable to challenge thinking

• Can compare findings / issues with peer organisations

Crisis Incident Assistance

FastTrack crisis management incident assistance support

Crisis team coach and observer

In a real crisis, we can be the BCM expert to guide management on best practice processes, and not overlook important matters.

We are always on-call free of charge for our clients and can provide assistance by phone or on the ground in person. Costs for assistance are usually covered by insurance at zero cost to you.

We recommend:

• Setup call out terms, activation process and insurance cover

• Integrate our role into the crisis team structure and contacts

Team Building

FastTrack crisis leadership development training

Bespoke leadership training and development

Team building and leadership training outcomes are often difficult to translate back into the work environment. Case study role-playing uses fictitious situations that do not relate to the workplace.

Our role-play simulations are the strongest form of team building and development that produce memorable relevant learnings.

We recommend:

• Combine team-building with a crisis management simulation

• Customise to individuals or team development needs

• Layers of problem-solving and new talent spotting

Critical Supplier BCM Verification

FastTrack outsourced service provider 3PL IT transport contract BCM compliance audit

Outsourced service provider or supplier failure

Outsourcing critical functions such as call centres, 3PL warehousing, transport, and IT systems operations can save costs, but you still own the risk. Out of sight is not out of mind and a sudden supplier failure can seriously impact your own operations confronting you with either in-sourcing the function or finding an alternative provider and inducting them at short notice.

We recommend:

• Independent review of critical suppliers’ BCM capability

• Specify strengths and failure scenarios and consequences